Anahata is the Sanskrit word for the heart (fourth) chakra. It is associated with the colour green and is represented by a 12 petal lotus flower. It is located over the spine, near to the heart. The heart chakra is an energy centre, maybe associated with the electrical energy produced by the heartbeat. During a Reiki treatment the practitioner places hands over the seven main chakras, to bring about balance of each of the chakra. There are many ways of balancing chakras, associated with wellbeing activities e.g. meditation, talking and singing, creative pursuits, rest and movement. Originally, each chakra was a focal point for meditation, but further each chakra was developed to be associated with a different themes including the stage of life, emotions, psychology, angels, elements and mantras (to name a few). Anahata (Heart) means “unhurt or un-struck” and refers to the “cosmic sound” made by two objects or opposing forces meeting without contact. In this way we can see the heart as a centre of peace, where opposing forces can co-exist and create without confrontation. The heart chakra is associated with feelings of deep peace, serentiy and calmness. The archangel associated with the heart chakra is Raphael and I have called on Raphael to guide me in Reiki sessions for some time.